Heart to Heart Mondays (6): 2015 goals, resolutions and wishes

2014 has been a long year for me, with some personal issues and family troubles, so I struggled a little with reading and read less than normally, with longer reading slumps. I still managed to complete my Goodreads reading challenge with 303 books, but it was still less than previous years. 2015 will hopefully be more exciting, more inspiring and full of many fantastic reads.

    I started with challenging myself with less books from the beginning, 250, and to write at least 50 reviews because I have been slacking in that departement too.

There are so many books I was excited to read in 2014, some from my favorite series, and I havent read them yet so I plan on doing that in January and February. To name a few, those would be Heir of Fire, Exquisite captive, Talon, Havoc, Trial by Fire, Sinner, and a few of series-ending books or other books that have been on my TBR list for awhile I have been putting of like Allegiant, Hidden, Shadows in the silence, All our yesterdays, The Raven Boys, Siege and storm, The Fiery Heart and plenty others.

   Also, I have compiled a list of topics for Heart to Heart Mondays, I know there were only a few of them but for this year, I will try to post at least two a month. I have been brainstorming a little, and I found a little bit of inspiration that was seriously lacking last year, and hopefully the result will be interesting to readers and while some topics may not be the most original out there, I will try to write my take on them, so maybe that will make this blog a little fresh. I have been  writing this blog for two and a half years, and I love doing it, anything book related will always own a huge part of my life, I hope you stay on this journey with me and I make some new friends this year, explore many worlds and people through reading and that 2015 is the best year yet.

Happy New Year everyone!


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