Top 5 Wednesday: Worst Love Interests
Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created by GingerReadsLainey . You can join the Goodreads group here and check out the topics. This weeks topic is worst love interests, male or female, and this was really easy for me to decide. Some of them have been on my shit list for awhile.. Leah is one of the most conniving people I have ever read about and she turns everything to posion. My review Nick from The Hollows series by Kim Harrison (my all time favorite series) is a whiny, little bitch. That is all. Adam Kent... same as the above. My review Richard from Anita Blake series turned 360 degrees and from a pretty sweet love interest went into full psycho mode. I have no patience for him. And the worst from them all are the main couple from the After series, Tessa and Hardin. To quote my review: "There are no amounts of alchocol that could erase this book from my brain... Both of them are plain psychotic." My review