This side of salvation superfan contest DAY #3

Each day:
Share that day's trading card ONCE on as many social networking sites as you can. (The first card is now up, here on the blog and on all my social networking sites!)
Fill out the entry form below (or use this link in case it doesn't appear below in your browser) with your email address and direct links to the places you've shared the card.
Do it again the next day with a new card!

Today is the third day and this is the 3rd card:

Today’s card features Bailey Brynn, David’s girlfriend. She loves science, math, and vegan food. She has a tattoo of a pair of Galapagos finches on her calf, to honor two of her heroes: Charles Darwin and Atticus Finch (from To Kill a Mockingbird). Her previous boyfriend was French Canadian, which David finds very intimidating.


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