My top ten favorite series

10. The Covenant series by Jennifer L. Armentrout - great idea, books filled with action, emotion and forbidden love. And Aiden. And Seth. *swoon* The third book in the series, Deity, comes out in November. Cant wait.
9. The Lux series  by Jennifer L. Armentrout- Although only one book came out so far + the prequel Shadows, I was captivated from the start by the unique story. And with Daemon of course. 2nd book, Onyx, comes out in August.Mmmmm,I need a new dose.
8. Charley Davidson series by Darynda Jones - Funny, very interesting, with a lot of great characters, especially the heroine.Everyone seem to be rooting for Reyes but me, I would love to se Garett and Charley together. And I adore Cookie.She cracks me up. Fourth grave beneath my feet, 4th book, comes out in October.
7. Night huntress series by Jeaniene Frost - Action packed series with the two of my favorite characters, Cat and Bones. I think anyone who reads this series will fell in love with him and admire Cat. The 7th book will be called Up from the grave.
6. Fever series by Karen Marie Moning - Barrons. Enough said.
5. Soul screamers by Rachel Vincent - Refreshing story, wonderful characters, lots of action and romance. The 6th book in the series Before I wake, came out today, and 7th book in the series, the final one, will be called With all my soul.
4. Morganville vampires by Rachel Caine - Amazing writing, amazing characters. Simply amazing. Bitter moon, 13th book in the series, comes out in november.
3. Chicagoland vampires by Chloe Neill - I found myself pulled into this series with the first book. Merit is such a strong and wonderful person and she is one of my favorite female characters. I love Ethan also, he is yummy. Bitting cold, which is the 6th book in the series,  comes out in August.
2. The Mortal instruments by Cassandra Clare - wonderful series from one of my favorite authors. It is one of the most beautifully written series out there. It is simply perfect. Unfortunately, for the 6th and last book in the series, City of heavenly fire, we will have to wait for 2014.
1. The Hollows by Kim Harrison - Rachel Morgan. Jenks. Trent Kalamack. Al.. Kisten. Kim Harrison. Those are the reasons this series is my favorite. I seriously recommend it to everyone. You won´t regret it. 11th book, Ever - after, comes out in January 2013. I will die until then.


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