So, tomorrow is my 23rd birthday and I want to share it with all of you so I decided to host a little birthday giveaway, nothing much. There are 5 swag packs to be won, all of them different. Some are signed, some not. Here are some of the authors included in the packs: Elizabeth Richards, Jennifer L. Armentrout, Anna Banks, Jeri Smith Ready, Abbi Glines, Karen Chance and more.
    The giveaway is international, there will be 5 winners, you have to be a follower, either by GFC or Bloglovin, and leave a comment with your email address and tell me your favorite summer read. You have until May 18th 2013.I would put the picture of the swag, but I want it to be a surprise. Good luck : )


  1. Happy Birthday!
    Wish you an outstanding and fabulous birthday :)

    My favorite summer read is " Kiss An Angel " - Susan Elizabeth Phillips


    Thanks for the giveaway :))

  2. Happy birthday!
    Wish you all the best!

    My favorite summer read is " Nobody's Baby But Mine " - Susan Elizabeth Phillips

    My mail is:

    Thank you in advance :)

  3. Happy 23rd Birthday,Lea! I wish you all the best! XOXO

    Hope you're having a wonderful time and you got a lot of pretty books! :)

    There are a lot of summer reads I love but here are my top 2:
    1. Summer trilogy by Jenny Han
    2. Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella

    GFC is acting on me and it seems that I unfollowed you. I don't even know how to do that. :S So weird and this is not the first time this happened. Anyway, I'm following via GFC and Bloglovin.


  4. Srećan rođendan i od mene Lea! :) Želim ti sve najbolje :*
    I hope you'll have a great day!

    For the summer reads - I support Zemira with Summer trilogy! :) Also you should try Rock and a Hard Place. It's short and sweet. :)

    I follow via GFC as Tanychy and Bloglovin' as Tanja :)

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  5. Sretan rođendan :) Nadam se da ćeš se lijepo provesti :D

    I follow your blog and have you as a friend od GR (if that counts) =)

    For summer reads, I think my favorite is Nora Robert's trilogy : Three sisters island, especially first book: Dance upon the air

    Thank for giveaway

  6. Kad ćeš staviti o kojim se paketima radi? Baš sam znatiželjna

    1. Pobjednici će vidjeti tek kada im stigne posiljka :) Slijedeci tjedan cu kontaktirati pobjedike pa očekuj mail ;)

    2. Joj, ja i moja nestrpljivost :P Hvala na odgovoru, tek sam sad vidjela :)


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