My second blogoversary + Giveaway

It is my second blogoversary!

And there will be a big giveaway at the end of the post!

On June 19th 2012 I finally decided to make my own blog and I am glad I did. I made new friends, chatted with some amazing authors and read so many wonderful books since then. I love reading and writing and to combine the two was amazing for me. I hope my reviews made at least one person to pick up the book I reccommended, that is what book blogging is all about to me. To share your favorite books, to have dissccusions about them, to meet new, amazing people who share your love for reading, all of that is the reason I will still be blogging for a long time.

     In this two years, Between fantasy and reality had more tghan 35000 page views, 168 bloglovin followers, 107 GFC followers, 368 comments. I became a part of a few amazing street teams where I talked with amazing people and had the opportunity to promote some of my favorite authors. I want to say thank you to everyone who took the time to visit my blog, to all my followers and to all the authors who gave my blog a chance, and to all the publishers who approved me on NetGalley or sent me an ARC to review. THANK YOU!

Here are some of this blogs firsts:

First post  My top 10 favorite male characters where I also got my first comment :)
First review  ReVamped by Ada Adams where I also got my first author comment :D
First ARC review Pushing the limits by Katie Mcgarry
First giveaway
First blog tour Degrees of wrong by Anna Scarllett

And now is time for a little giveaway. It is international except for the Black dagger brotherhood book 2, second half, it is in Croatian and it will go to someone who reads Croatian so in the comment dont forget to add if you can read it. Since this is my second blogoversary, all the books are second in a series :) Here are the prizes:

A signed HC of The Fallout by S.A. Bodeen
A signed PB of Othermoon by Nina Berry (it is personalized to me, I hope you dont mind)
A PB copy of Outpost by Ann Aguirre
A BDB book Vječna kletva
3 swag packs - some items will be signed, the authors included are Jennifer L. Armentrout, Rachel Harris, Trisha Wolfe, Elizabeth Richards, Jeri Smith-ReadyMegan Bostic, Karen Chance and many others. Good luck :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats, darling! I wish you many years of blogging!<3

  2. Congrats girl!! :) Here is to many blogoversaries that will come!! :))

  3. Congrats on your second blogoversary :) and thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Congratulations on two very successful years. I love your blog and am very impressed with all you've done in such a short time. Michelle Willms

  5. HI Lea! HAPPY SECOND BLOGOVERSARY!!!!!!!!! I hope there will be many more and according to your post there will be. :D

    P.s. I love your blog <3

  6. Happy blogogversary and thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  7. Happy 2nd blogoversary!!! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. Happy 2nd blogoversary!!!

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  9. Happy blogoversary! I know the amazing feeling on times like these. Enjoy more books and years of blogging! :)


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