Spooky September Challenge: Tribute to my favorite Horror Author

On the 2nd day of the spooky september challenge, hosted by Parajunkee ,  we pay tribute to our favorite horror authors. I decided on Anne Rice, who I cant believe I forgot to mention in the yesterdays post.

My first encounter with Anne Rice was through Interview with the vampire movie in 1995, which was the first horror movie my parents allowed me to watch and I was five at the time. I remember having nightmares about vampires attacking me. Yet still, I was fascinated. Eight years later, Queen of the damned came out and I was in love (and still am). QOTD is my favorite movie of all time, you really need to listen to that soundtrack. I decided to read Interview and I loved it. It was violent yet romantic in a way, scary yet beautiful and it was thoughtful. Then I read Vampire Lestas and that quickly turned into an obsession with vampires and Lestat. I have yet to read the rest of the Vampire Chronicles but these two books were enough, along with Pandora, to convince me that Anne Rice is the queen of vampires and horror.

Who is your favorite horror author? Leave me a comment.
Come back tomorrow for more of Spooky September Challenge.


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