Blog tour: How To Unbreakup by Rebekah Purdy (eARC Review, Excerpt + Giveaway)

How to Unbreakup
Release Date: 02/10/15
Swoon Romance

Summary :

First rule of breakups: There’s no going back.

For three years, seventeen-year-old Grace Evers has regretted breaking up with Sage Castle.

That day, she lost her boyfriend and best friend. And let's be honest, it's impossible to just be friends with the one person who gets you, faults and all, and loved you anyway. It's impossible not to think about how it felt to be held by him, or the way he looked right before he was about to kiss you with the most perfectly yummy kiss goodnight.

And now that things are over between them, they've become strangers to one another. Sage won’t even look at Grace, let alone talk to her!

Breakup life sucks and Grace is utterly miserable, doing whatever she can to ease the pain of losing Sage. She's spent the better part of high school pretending to be something she’s not and hanging out with people who probably wouldn't notice if she wasn't there. Crappy dates, backstabbing friends, and Sage's cold shoulder have taken their toll.

So when her parents propose going away to their house on Lake Michigan for the summer, Grace is thrilled. No more massively bad dates with horrible kissers or lunch with frienemies. Just three months of swimming,
hiking, and relaxing before senior year starts.

But when Grace learns Sage and his family will be joining them, she readies herself for a totally awkward family vacation of disastrous proportions. How can it be anything but awful if Sage won't even acknowledge she exists?

This is it, Grace's last chance to get Sage back and unbreakup.

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My Review:

I really liked this one. It was fresh, funny, sometimes heartbreaking and a good lesson.
You should never listen to other people and not your heart, popularity is overated, sometimes, best friends are for life.
This is the story of two young people who have been best friends for years and they fell in love with each other and decided to give it a go. Some time later, Grace breaks up with Sage because she heard some "friends" talking that she spends too much time with her boyfriend, that her concentration is slipping. They break up and their friendship is ruined.  A few years later, on the last summer in high school, Grace finally realizes her mistake and tries everything to get Sage back but it turns out that will not be so easy.

I liked both MCs even though some of their actions annoyed me. Both of them know the other perfectly yet they have problems seeing what is right in front of them. I liked the list, well, most of it, and the disasters that happened while Grace tried to go along with it, it was a great source of humor in the book. But mostly I loved secondary characters, the parents, the siblings, female best friend and the new guy who turned out to be a good friend to Grace. They brought great humor to the story and I loved it.

My only issue with this book is that it is too short. I would love to see more developement, more moments with Sage and Grace, but besides that this was a very good read.

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Excerpt :

 “Let’s check out the deck.” Mom looped her arm through mine as we made our way around the furniture to the glass doors. As soon as we pushed them open, the scent of the lake and beach hit me. The sound of gulls echoed in the air. Beach chairs lined the deck, the view breathtaking. From here, I saw there was already a fire pit dug out on the beach. The doorbell rang from inside and Mom squealed.
 “Come on,” she said. My parents rushed to the front door, us kids on their heels. “Time for our other surprise.” Dad glanced at us as he whipped open the door. There, standing on the porch, was the Castle family. No. Flipping. Way. Sage’s mouth dropped open in disbelief. He met my gaze then looked away, obviously his parents hadn’t let him in on the surprise either. I squeezed my eyes tight then opened them again, trying to ignore the sick pit in my stomach. Okay. Just keep calm. It isn’t the end of the world. Not yet anyway.
 “Welcome Castle family,” Dad said, hugging Mr. and Mrs. Castle. “The Evers and Castles together again.” Mr. Castle chuckled. “Now how’s this for a surprise?” “I gave up soccer camp for this?” Sage asked, his eyes narrowed. “Yep, and you’re going to enjoy it. End of discussion.” Mr. Castle gave him a warning look. Sage pushed inside, carrying his stuff, not even bothering another glance in my direction. Crap. This wasn’t happening. It might be the end of discussion for Mr. Castle, but I had a feeling this was far from over. If things kept going like they were, it’d be a long, miserable summer for all of us. Allie smiled as she came inside.
 “This is freaking sweet. We’ll be able to hang out all summer. Just like old times.” “Yeah. Just like old times.” I gave her a quick hug. Minus the part where Sage actually talked to me. Things in my life were about to get a whole lot more complicated.

About the Author

Rebekah Purdy grew up in Michigan, where she spent many late nights armed with a good book and a flashlight. When not hiding at her computer and getting lost in her stories, she enjoys reading, singing, soccer, swimming, football, camping, playing video games and hanging out with her kids. She loves the unexplainable like Bigfoot, the Dogman, and the Loch Ness Monster (lots of good story material)! She admits to still having all the books she bought throughout her childhood and teen years, and she may or may not have an obsession with anything chocolate…

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