Blog tour: Project Five-Fifteen series by Samantha Summers with excerpt + GIVEAWAY

First Light
Samantha Summers
Series: Project Five Fifteen #1
Publication: May 12th 2012
Genre: YA Romantic Thriller

A government experiment. Sixteen teenage boys on the run. An innocent young girl caught in the middle. When Ronnie Rose meets the handsome and alluring Kalen Smith, she can tell there's something he's hiding - something dangerous. But in trying to uncover his secret, Ronnie is plunged into a terrifying world she isn't prepared for... and the consequences could be deadly. Can we choose who we fall in love with?




As You Were
Samantha Summers
Series: Project Five Fifteen #2
Publication: December 14th 2012
Genre: YA Romantic Thriller

For every choice, there is a consequence.

Ronnie and Kalen are finally together, living their life in secret under the radar of the people who want Kalen dead. But when a visit from an old friend sends Kalen away on a rescue mission, Ronnie finds herself plunged back into the world of Project Five Fifteen quicker than she ever thought possible.

It’s fast becoming clear The Agency will never give up their hunt for the boys, and a betrayal closer to home starts a chain reaction that will change everything. Now, caught in a deadly web of lies and deceit, Ronnie is forced to question who she can trust; even the person she once trusted most.

As enemies close in, Kalen’s past threatens to destroy the happiness they sacrificed so much for, and it’s only a matter of time before the ultimate choice must be

Book 1 excerpt

‘So, where are we going?’ I asked, pulling the front door closed behind us.

‘It’s a surprise.’

I shielded my eyes from the brightness all around me, following him down off the porch.

‘Have I mentioned I don’t like surprises?’

‘No, you haven’t,’ he said, with a smile.  

I’d expected the Audi, or even the Ford, but a shiny black motorcycle sat by the side of the road. The same one he’d sped away on the day we met. I glanced at him anxiously, but he wasn’t looking at me. If it was possible, he was even quieter than usual. 

Suddenly, my fear of riding on the back of a motorbike was the last thing on my mind. I wanted to ask if he was okay, but the words caught in my throat. He handed me a spare helmet.

‘I’ve never been on a bike before,’ I said instead.

‘Are you afraid?’ There wasn’t a trace of humour in his voice, he wasn’t joking or trying to scare me. His question demanded a legitimate answer. I should have been afraid, but somehow I knew this would be yet another thing he did with perfection. 


With a small nod, he swung one leg over the seat and straddled the bike.

‘Can I ask a question?’ I ventured.

‘It seems so.’


He smirked and I knew I’d missed some joke again. ‘Where did you get this bike?’

‘It belongs to Nash.’

‘And the Audi?’

‘That’s mine.’

‘How did you afford it?’

‘They’re not stolen if that’s what you’re asking.’

I wasn’t blind to the fact that he hadn’t answered my question, but I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know. It was easier to accept if I didn’t think about it.

‘Hop on, Red.’ Removing his sunglasses, he pulled on a black helmet, so I could see only his eyes. So often overshadowed by his distracting smile, alone they were more striking than I’d ever realised. The problem right now was that they looked sad. He was definitely hiding something. Before I could ask what, he flipped the visor down. I slid silently on behind him. 

Once in my seat, which felt further from the ground than I’d anticipated, Kal reached back, taking both of my hands and wrapping them around him. My stomach flipped with the contact, but it was nothing compared to when the engine roared to life and we took off. I pressed myself tightly against him. 

Eventually I dared to open my eyes. I doubted that any car in the world could go as fast as the bike and if it did, it wouldn’t feel the same. There was no room in my head for negative thoughts – all I could focus on was the wind, the speed, and Kalen’s firm body. At one point, I felt the front of the bike tip upwards, the engine screamed as we wheeled through a set of lights. I squealed, but it was all good. A jolt of pleasure pulsed through me.

When he pulled to a stop, I slipped off and rubbed my thighs. I’d been gripping so tightly it took a minute for the feeling to come back to them. As I glanced up, however, I became distracted by where we were. 

‘Oh, God,’ I blurted, straightening and staring at the airfield in front of us.

‘Don’t panic, Red,’ he smiled crookedly, ‘you trust me, right?’

‘Um... I think so.’ 

He laughed. ‘Did you know when you’re nervous, you tug at your hair?’

‘No, I don’t.’ I let go of the strand I’d been holding.

‘Yeah, you do. You twist and pull at it. It’s cute. But hey, there’s nothing to be scared of.’ 

He took my hand then, leading me across the field to a plane that looked small enough to be a toy. 

‘Hey, mate,’ Kal greeted the pilot with a handshake and his fake British accent.

‘Morning, Mr Smith. She’s all ready for you both, pack is over there on the ground, as you requested. I’ll give you some time to get sorted. Just hop in when you’re ready. Weather is great for it, which is surprising for this time of year.’

‘Ah, Kevin, I told you not to worry. The weather’s always on my side.’

The pilot hoisted himself into the plane after that, with a fleeting look in my direction. Kalen stepped over to a big piece of material on the floor. A parachute. It looked more like a shiny bed sheet. 

‘Don’t we need two of these?’ I asked nervously. Noticing I was twisting the end of my hair, I quickly shoved my hands in the pockets of my jeans.

‘You want to jump on your own?’ he looked up at me with a quizzical expression from his crouched position, where he was running his hands along the material and checking things I had no idea about.  

‘Of course not. I’m not even sure I want to jump.’

‘That’s okay,’ he chuckled silently, ‘I’ll jump and you’ll be attached to me so it’s all good.’

‘But what I mean is, don’t we need to be strapped to people who do this all the time?’

‘Yep, you’re looking at him.’

I nodded to myself, another chill running through me. Kalen continued to check the chute without looking up at me again. 

When we were in the plane the engine was so loud I couldn’t muster the energy to yell above it and Kalen was without doubt the most excited I’d ever seen him. I pushed away the stirring in my stomach and repeated in my head that he knew what he was doing. Inside the plane was bitingly cold and as though feeling it too, Kalen wrapped his arms around me. The next thing I knew, the pilot was calling out something about twelve-thousand-feet. Kal stood us both up my heart went crashing into overdrive.

‘Are you sure we’re going to be okay, Kal?’ I squeaked.

‘Red, look down there.’ 

We shuffled together towards the edge, the icy air catching me off guard. I peered out and instantly felt sick. The feeling had no time to linger, however, because as I glanced over the edge, he used the motion to flip us both out the door. My stomach dropped and we were hurtling into the vast expanse of sky below.

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Born in London, an only child with an overactive imagination, Sam spent much of her childhood telling ghost stories to her younger cousins and dreaming about far away places. She graduated university with a BA in marketing, but it wasn't long before her passion for storytelling and travel got the better of her. She currently lives in Sydney, Australia, where you'll probably find her hidden away in the corner of a park somewhere - writing, reading, dreaming or watching movies on her iPad. She loves everything spy and assassin and has a slightly unhealthy obsession with Star Wars, mainly Darth Vader.


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