Top 5 Wednesday: Disappointing Eye Candy

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created by GingerReadsLainey . You can join the Goodreads group here and check out the topics. This week s topic is diappointing eye candy, books with beautiful covers that just werent good or they disappointed you. I didint hate this book, I gave it 3 stars, but there was just something missing for me. The hype surrounding this book never made sense to me. It was ok, nothing special, with some really boring parts. I expected more from this book, what I got was pretty mediocre. The writing is beautiful but the story is just meh. This series was one of my favorites and definitely my favorite fae series but this conclusion to the series left a lot to be desired, it was not on the same level as the others. All I can say about this book is that it pissed me of from start to finish. I loved the cover but I hated everything else, the writing, the story and especially the characters. What are your ...